Westby Creamery News

High Grove Farm Journal – April 2024

High Grove Farm Journal – April 2024
Our son Caleb getting some wood split.
May 06, 2024 (Westby, WI)

Hello from the farm! We’re so happy you’re visiting and that we can show you what our family has been up to in April. My name is Jessica and my husband and I, along with our four children, Carter 15, Caleb 11, Laney 6 and Tulsie 6 weeks, operate a dairy farm near Soldiers Grove, Wis.

Spring has sprung here and we couldn’t be happier! The leaves on the trees are unfurling and the dandelion’s are out in full force. For most of April it was slow going for the fields and all vegetation, but the landscape has recently become vibrant with new growth. The sky seems a little bit bluer, and the grass a little bit greener, now that the cold has gone. The month started out with chilly nights (some below freezing) but many beautiful days, making it possible to put the cows out on pasture to enjoy the sunshine and the growing grass.

Field work started in March and continued into April with some fields needing to be prepared for new seeding and others getting amendments added after the results of our soil samples had shown just what was needed to be added back into the soil for optimum growth this year.

Pot ash being applied to pastures.

Pot ash being applied to some of the pastures just before a rain storm rolled through.

The cold weather let up towards the end of the month for good, and our apple trees by the house were covered in blossoms this year! The kids have been enjoying climbing trees and shooting hoops outside the barn. They sure have been a big help in the vegetable garden already this year, and Carter mowed the lawn for the first time as I am still pretty busy with our newborn daughter. Hopefully soon I can do all the yard work – it’s my favorite summer job! With all of this wonderful rain we’ve been getting it will have to be mowed again very soon! It’s a very nice problem to have. It won’t be long until we’ll be able to get the last of the vegetables planted in the ground. By then the last of the vegetable starts from my greenhouse will be in the ground as well.

Small girl standing next to tractor in a field.

Our daughter Laney bringing daddy lunch while he works up some fields for new seeding.

This week on the farm we hope to finish splitting firewood and getting it all stacked to dry for the summer. We also have a large fencing project we need to get done as well as maintenance on haying equipment – that first harvest is just weeks away. It is definitely “go time” on the farm!

Baby in a stroller being pushed in a field with a few dairy cows.

Tulsie and I enjoying a walk to bring the cows back for milking.

Thank you for stopping by. Visit again soon!

The Roger’s Family

– Jessica Rogers is a Westby Creamery farmer-owner who is sharing glimpses of farm life with us.

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