Cashton/Norwalk/Wells, Wisconsin

The Hemmersbach Family

Dennis and Julie were high school sweethearts at Cashton High School; Cashton, Wisconsin. They married in August of 1978, and bought this family farm in December of that year; starting-off married and family life in a big way.

Their three children, Nathan, Misty and Cory, were born and raised on the farm; and, like all farm kids, helped-out on day-to-day chores as they grew up. Today, each is a young adult; living and working nearby; two are married and have their own children. And, everyone still helps-out on the farm; including the grand-kids.

Oldest son, Nathan, and his wife, Jenny, have kids/grand-kids Lacey (age 3) and Lucas (age 1). Daughter, Misty, and her husband, Casey, have kids/grand-kids Shelby (age 6) and Donald (age 2). Younger son, Cory, and his fiancé, Shayla, will most likely be ready to add more grand-kids some day in the future.

In time, this long-time family farm will pass on to the next generation of the Hemmersbach family. The farm has been in the family since 1900, being operated for generations by uncles and aunts and cousins of Dennis. Dennis grew up on another nearby family farm, and was well prepared for farm life. Julie, having grown up in Cashton, became a fast-learner as a farm wife and mother.

The farm totals 160 acres; with 87 acres as tillable ground for annual crops, and the remainder in seasonal grassland pastures for the cow herd to graze. The herd numbers 40 milk cows and 35 replacement heifers in a mix of mostly black & white and red & white Holsteins, and some Brown Swiss. As an organic dairy farm, these cows graze on seasonal pastures for about six months of the year. And they know when it’s time to clear out and head to the milking parlor, or to the next pasture, when Dennis roars in on his ATV

The Hemmersbachs have been long-time members of Westby Cooperative Creamery, and Dennis served on the Board-of-Directors from 1999-to-2005. It was in 2005 that they made the transition to a certified-organic dairy farm, becoming among the first Westby Patrons to supply organic milk to the Creamery.

Westby Cooperative Creamery is among a unique few of farmer-owned dairy cooperatives across North America to have member-owners that produce two types of milk for their cooperative. Some Westby members produce certified-organic-milk; and other members producing what the industry calls conventional-milk; both of which are rBST-free.

With these two milk sources, the cooperative has the capability to produce cultured dairy food products and hard cheeses for a diverse and ever changing food industry marketplace. In addition to the Westby brand, the Creamery also manufactures private label brands of cottage cheeses, sour creams, dairy dips, and yogurts; along with cheese curds and hard cheeses. These products are distributed through retail grocery stores to consumers, through food service channels to schools and hospitals, and to other food manufacturers as ingredients.

With deep generational roots and an extended family in the surrounding areas, it’s no surprise that Dennis and Julie are active community members. Dennis has served as Chairman of the Township Board, for the Town of Wells, for the past ten years.

So, if you’re on the roads near St. Mary’s Ridge, make the turn onto County Highway U and look for the Hemmersbach family farm. It has been there since 1900, three years before Westby Cooperative Creamery was formed in 1903.

And, please remember — when you take home country goodness from the family dairy farms of Westby Cooperative Creamery, you take home country goodness from the Hemmersbach Family — and for that, we all say thank you!

Best regards – Dennis & Julie Hemmersbach & Family

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