Westby Creamery News

Three Servings of Dairy a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Three Servings of Dairy a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Nov 28, 2022 (Westby, WI)

Whether you’re adding a splash of half and half to your morning coffee or eating some yogurt to hold you over until dinner, that serving of dairy goes a long way for your health. Though often overlooked, dairy products offer a hefty mix of essential nutrients. In fact, there are 13 essential nutrients found in milk, including Vitamin A, Vitamin D, zinc and protein.

Despite its high nutritional value, a majority of American’s do not consume an adequate amount of dairy. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the average American eats less than two servings of dairy a day while three servings are recommended. 

Close to 30 percent of men and 60 percent of women older than age 19 do not consume enough calcium, and more than 90 percent do not consume enough vitamin D, both of which are vital for your body’s well-being. Sufficient amounts of calcium are needed for optimal bone health and to prevent early onset osteoporosis in young adults (age 19-30) and post-menopausal women.

Dairy foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese can help offset those deficiencies.

While these nutrients can be found in other foods, they don’t pack quite the same nutritional punch that dairy foods do. For example, you would have to eat a half cup of cooked spinach, a quarter-cup of almonds and a glass of orange juice to yield the same amount of calcium as a glass of milk. So instead of trying to incorporate multiple servings of various foods, you can keep the grocery list short with the addition of a few nutrient dense dairy foods.

Instead of reaching for chips or crackers to snack on, replace them with a cup of Greek yogurt or string cheese. When preparing dinner, simply add a dollop of cottage cheese to a salad or sneak in a slice of cheese on a sandwich.

You can find more creative ways to incorporate dairy at home in these recipes:

To find Westby Creamery dairy products visit this link or shop online.

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